
Coal Valley Food Pantry

Our Church building is the home of the Coal Valley Food Pantry. The Coal Valley Food Pantry is a partnership between our church and three other churches in Coal Valley; Trinity Lutheran, St. Maria...

New Tribes Missions

Our church provides for the needs of several missionaries that are working for the benefit of New Tribes Missions. Over the last 40 years we have provided funding for a number of missionaries whose...

Operation Christmas Child

For close to 20 years, the people of our church have been very supportive of this Samaritan’s Purse program. We usually pack about 200 shoeboxes. Each shoebox is filled with items that will shine the...

Pack 118 Cub Scouts and Troop 118 Boy Scouts

Our church is the sponsoring organization for these Scout organizations in our community. We provide a place for their meetings and programs as well having them participate in “Scout Sunday” each...

Men’s Shelter

Our church provides financial assistance to the men’s shelter which is operated through the ministry of Christian Family Care Center. In addition to yearly financial support, we periodically provide...

Camp Wyoming

For over twenty years, we have provided financial support for those families who choose to send their children to summer church camp at Camp Wyoming in Wyoming, IA. We provide 1/3 of the camp fee as...

Pregnancy Resources

Our church participates in a walk that benefits the Pregnancy Resources Center in Moline. We walk to raise money for the benefit of those who may be pregnant and in need of the Christian based support...

Hope Creek Bingo

Once a month, our church provides a bingo activity for the residents of Hope Creek Care Center...

American Cancer Society

Once a year our congregation holds a “Daffodil Sunday” accompanied by a contribution to the American Cancer Society. On “Daffodil Sunday”, we set time aside during worship for prayer and support for...

Heifer International

Once a year, our Sunday School program goes on a shopping spree for the benefit of Project Heifer. The children select from a wide range of domesticated animals that will benefit poverty stricken...

New Kingdom Trailriders

We provide annual financial and prayerful support for the activities of The New Kingdom Trial Riders who in turn provide horseback riding to those with physical and emotional challenges in their lives...

Military Care Packages

When appropriate, our congregation assembles and sends, with love, care packages to members of our church family who are deployed in service to our country through military service...

Tudi’s Tribe

Our mission committee each year provides and prayer support for Tudi’s Tribe for the last several years. The goal of this ministry is to provide fun activities for children and their families whose...

Winnie’s Place

Our church has, for many years, provided financial assistance and our prayers for the benefit of Winnie’s Place. Winnie’s Place is a shelter for battered woman. Our church provided for the renovation...

Child Evangelism Fellowship

Our church provides an annual financial contribution for the benefit of Child Evangelism Fellowship. The goal of this ministry is to provide Christian based after school programs for the schools in...

Camelot School

Camelot School is a school for students with developmental disabilities. Each year we provide financial support for the school which is located in our community. The funding is to provide occupational...

Nathan Ulrich

Our church provides annual financial support and prayers for a mission couple who are stationed in Thailand...

Illinois Presbyterian Home

Our church provides annual financial support for a Presbyterian sponsored Christian senior living center called Illinois Presbyterian Home. They are committed to providing affordable, and quality...

Churches United

Each year our church provides financial support for the activities and mission of Churches United. They run Winnie’s Place and are the founding organization of the network of food pantries that...